NEW + NOW > Get to Know | Village Voices > July 1, 2024

Get to Know…Edwardo Flores

Edwardo Flores, La Vie Style House Manager


Tell us a little about yourself and what led you to your job at La Vie Style House.

I have always been fascinated by the world of fashion – my happy place is being inside a beautiful store, shopping with women! Therefore, I decided to pursue a degree in Fashion Marketing and Merchandising. I have worked in retail since I was 18 years old and held every position imaginable, from stockroom associate to general manager and everything in between. All my past work experience has given me an invaluable perspective into the business of fashion and what it takes to run a store in Highland Park Village – one of America’s most prestigious and competitive shopping centers. The founders of La Vie Style House, Lindsey McClain and Jaime Coulter, were some of the first clients I met while working at Forty Five Ten, where I got my start in Village! La Vie’s flagship store is located in the old Forty Five Ten spot, so I like to say that I come with the building!


How long have you led the charge at La Vie in Highland Park Village?

I have been at La Vie Style House for four years and counting.


What is your favorite or most unique thing about what you do?

I’m close to everything within the La Vie universe. We’re a Dallas-based brand, so I’m lucky enough to see the whole process from start to finish—from the moment Lindsey and Jamie hand-select next season’s fabrics to seeing the caftans constructed by sewers to selling the finished product to our fabulous clients right here in the Pink Palace in Highland Park Village—my pride and joy!


How long have you personally been visiting Highland Park Village?

I have been visiting Highland Park Village for over a decade now! I started coming here with my best friend, Edgar, while we were in fashion school. We would come to the Village to window shop, map out our fashion dreams, and get lost in all the grandeur of the stores. That is why places like Highland Park Village exist—you cannot help but feel inspired when you are here!


What do you enjoy most about the Highland Park Village community?

The people, without a doubt! The beating heart of the Village is its community, which makes up what we know as Highland Park Village. I cannot go anywhere in the Village without someone greeting me by my name and a smile! Highland Park Village is a family business and run like one. From the management office team to the marketing team, their support is second to none. We are each other’s cheerleaders, and I love that we are all in it to win it! There’s real magic here, and there is truly no place like Highland Park Village!


What’s a fun fact that most people don’t know about you?

Most people are always surprised to know that I have a twin sister!


Where would we most likely find you in Highland Park Village?

If I am not at the “Pink Palace” (La Vie) selling magical caftans, you can find me at the Teak Tearoom inside The Conservatory having a Brian bowl with pecan-crusted chicken and a glass of Sancerre, of course! Oh, and do not forget to order the dill dip—you can thank me later!


Highland Park Village is proud to spotlight our very own dynamic personalities and community partners in the Village Voices series. Get to know our past features.


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