NEW + NOW > Get to Know | Village Voices > March 2, 2021

Meet The Miron Crosby Sisters



Tell us a little about yourselves and what led you to launch Miron Crosby?

Chic strangers stopping us on the street are ultimately responsible. After living in New York City after college, we recognized a hole in the market for authentic cowboy boots made for a more contemporary fashion customer, and Miron Crosby was born.

What’s your favorite or most unique thing about what you two do?

Because we design the collection and are continually in our studio on the sales floor, we have the unique opportunity to be very close to both the inception of our designs and to experience how the finished product works for our clientele. Perhaps our favorite thing that we do is see how our boots resonate with our customers. We adore getting to know our clients personally as friends in our little treehouse studio over ranch waters.

How long have you personally been visiting Highland Park Village?

While we’re not from Dallas, our uncle’s family has lived here our whole lives. We grew up visiting for holidays and several weeks during the summer. Our grandmother, Mimi, loved to come to the Village and would bring us along to shop for pastel candy-colored Easter dresses with shiny white patent shoes every year.

What do you enjoy most about Highland Park Village?

SM: Truly the window shopping! I get so inspired even just walking into the office. This is dangerous, though, for my shopping addiction.

LD: Being a stone’s throw away from a skinny spicy margarita at Mi Cocina!

Are there any secrets or fun facts you can share about the center, your company or you as sisters?

Our studio actually used to be a dentist’s office! Customers who grew up in Dallas always laugh when they realize it’s the same spot.

What are some of your favorite spots around the Village?

SM: I love to shop new Ganni at MARKET, to meet friends at Fachini for the hundred-layer lasagna and – sleeper order – the world’s best mashed potatoes, and to play my Friday morning Spades game at Royal Blue Grocery.

LD: I love the new Bandier store for put-together, mom-approved workout sets. La Vie Style House is my heaven: all pink and gold, the glittery kind! And Seth and I love to take our four littles to early weeknight dinners at Mi Cocina for brisket quesadillas and sunset fajitas.


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